9/28/2021 0 Comments Call to Worship, P+19BWelcome, children of God!
The kin-dom of Heaven belongs to you! Come, and do not be afraid. Come, and do not be silent. Come, and receive God's blessing, you spiritual guides, you truth-seekers, you hope of all our tomorrows. Welcome!
9/26/2021 0 Comments Prayers of the People, P+18BGreat Physician,
hear our prayers for healers who offer their gifts unselfishly ... Sunday Prayer posted: https://revgalblogpals.org/2021/09/26/sunday-prayer-for-healers-and-those-in-need-of-healing/ *NOTE: On odd numbered months of the year, the Sunday Prayer (a.k.a. Prayers of the People) is posted on the RevGalBlogPals web site -- a community of thousands of female clergy around the world -- on Sunday mornings. Click the link above to see the prayer in its entirety. 9/22/2021 0 Comments Prayer of Confession, P+18BCall to Confession
Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. (Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23) Let us repent of our sin and turn back toward God's ways, seeking God's mercy. Prayer of Confession Teacher, forgive us. We are quick to judge that which we do not understand. We turn away and refuse to accept that you work in and through healers in many different ways. In our righteousness, we condemn those who work in your name, creating obstacles to faith because of our fear. Carve our piety out of us. Season us with humility. Teach us to welcome diverse experiences of the Spirit, and to recognize you wherever love is at work. Assurance of God's Grace When we confess our sin, God, who is faithful and just, forgives us our sin, removing as far as the east is from the west and remembering it no more. (Psalm 103:12 and Hebrews 8:12) In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us also forgive one another. The peace of Christ be with you. Please extend the peace of Christ to all whom you encounter this week. 9/21/2021 0 Comments Call to Worship, P+18BCome, you healers,
doing deeds of power in the name of God. Come, and do not be deterred, for all who do the work of healing in God's name are welcome. Come and worship. Come, you in need of healing, of wholeness, of balance, of restoration. Come and find healing in the presence of God, and worship. Come, you seasoned ones, who have been tried by fire and refined. Come and bring the peace of Christ with you, bringing hope to all who are hurting. Come, you peacemakers, and worship the God of peace. 9/19/2021 0 Comments Prayers of the People, P+17BResurrecting God,
open our minds. Grant us understanding, that grasping the wonder of your extravagant grace ... Sunday Prayer posted: https://revgalblogpals.org/2021/09/19/sunday-prayer-draw-the-welcome-circle-wider/ *The odd numbered months of the year, this blogger writes the Sunday Prayer for RevGalBlogPals, a community of female clergy and supportive male clergy around the world. During those months, the Prayers of the People may be found on the RGBP web site on Sunday mornings. Grace and peace~ 9/15/2021 0 Comments Prayer of Confession, P+17BCall to Confession
O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know when I sit down and when I rise up; you discern my thoughts from far away. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue, O Lord, you know it completely. (Psalm 139:1-4) Let us confess our sin before God and seek God's mercy. Prayer of Confession Forgive us, God. We want to be first. We argue among ourselves about whose way is best, whose theology is right, as if our “right theology” means we sit at the right hand of Jesus. Instead of welcoming those who practice the faith differently that we do, instead of meeting them where they are on the journey and learning from them, we make judgments and proclaim ourselves greater. Forgive us for our inhospitality, we pray. Teach us to welcome all God’s children, and to serve as Jesus did, with kindness and humility and genuine relationship. May all we are and all we do reflect your infinite love. Assurance of God's Grace For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. “Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:16-17) In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us also forgive one another. The peace of Christ be with you. Please extend the peace of Christ to all whom you encounter this week. 9/14/2021 0 Comments Call to Worship, P+17BThe secret is out:
the Son of Man was crucified, dead, and rose again on the third day. Disciples of Christ, come together in the house of God. Listen and learn. This is what God values: That you welcome the children and serve the stranger; that you love as you have been loved. 9/12/2021 0 Comments Prayers of the People, P+16BIn the name of Christ,
the Messiah, hear our prayers, O God! Each and every minute of each and every day our faith is tested ... Sunday prayer posted on RevGalBlogPals through the month of September: https://revgalblogpals.org/2021/09/12/sunday-prayer-every-minute-of-every-day/ 9/5/2021 0 Comments Prayers of the People, P+15BRabbi ... Teacher ...
your wisdom is as great as your compassion. Even when people come to you ... #SundayPrayer posted: https://revgalblogpals.org/2021/09/05/sunday-prayer-prayer-and-praising/ 9/1/2021 0 Comments Prayer of Confession, P+15BCall to Confession
"... remember that you were at that time without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world." (Ephesians 2:12) Let us confess our sin before God, and seek God's mercy. Prayer of Confession Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David. Have mercy on us! We wrestle with demons or our own making: unchecked greed, hostility toward the other, power that goes to our heads. If you will, Lord, you can make us clean. We refuse to hear how you included those whom the world called unclean or unequal or unworthy in your circle of disciples, in your circle of fellowship. We refuse to hear your admonitions to love God with all our beings and to love our neighbors as ourselves. If you will, Lord, you can make us clean. We allow our fear to keep us from speaking up and speaking out when our siblings in Christ are marginalized, diminished, and dehumanized. If you will, Lord, you can make us clean. Teach us to open wide the circle of love and grace, to welcome those who see you differently, to encourage the powerless, the voiceless, and those who cannot -- or will not -- hear. We will proclaim the healing power of the Lord our God far and wide, to all who will hear it. If you will, Lord, you can make us clean. Have mercy on us, O Lord, Son of David! Have mercy on us! Assurance of God's Grace "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 14 For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us." (Ephesians 2:13-14) In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us also forgive one another. The peace of Christ be with you. Please extend the peace of Christ to all whom you encounter this week. |
January 2025
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Julie participated in the 25th Seminar for Certified Zentangle(R) Teacher Training in June, 2019, trained by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. In addition to creating art as a personal spiritual practice, Julie also incorporates the Zentangle(R) method in Prayer Art Retreats in a variety of contexts, including church groups, friend gatherings, and at a local art gallery. Check out the Upcoming Events page for a calendar of events, or use the Contact Us page to inquire about scheduling an event with your group!
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