6/29/2018 0 Comments Prayers of the People, OT12BIn time of fear and oppression
God's people cry for deliverance. Condescension. Lies. Gaslighting. Harrassment. Authority and money equal power. In time of hatred and of violence God's people cry for deliverance. Discourse devolves. Arguments ensue. Police are called. No one is safe from rage, within or without. In time of grief and hopelessness God's people cry for deliverance. Families are separated. Hearts are broken. Everyone loses when justice is unjust. God alone can save. In time of challenge, Lord, empower your people to meet the enemy that stands before us with complete trust that Hope reigns. Enlist us. Embolden us. Equip us. Energize us. Lead us forward in your name. Amen.
6/27/2018 0 Comments Prayer of Confession, OT12BCall to Confession
To all with a fearful heart, be strong, do not fear! Your God is here. God has come and saved you. Therefore, let us confess our sin before God and seek God's mercy. Prayer of Confession, OT12B We, too, are sinners. We point our fingers at the other and shout "shame," but we, too, have fallen short of the glory of God. We cower in fear of the giants that torment instead of meeting them face to face, toe to toe. It is easier to stand on our side of the line and shout than it is to arm ourselves with truth and stand for justice. We, too, try on armor that doesn't fit because someone else thinks we should, because authority says we must, than to walk to the front lines vulnerable in our authenticity. Forgive our cowardice, we pray, and lead us forward with courage and strength, remembering who we are and whose we are, that we might march onward in the name of Christ. Assurance of God's Grace The Lord is our light and our salvation. Whom shall we fear? The Lord is the stronghold of our lives. Of whom should we be afraid? (Ps. 27:1) In the name of Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us also forgive one another. The peace of Christ be with you. Please extend the peace of Christ to all whom you encounter this day. 6/26/2018 0 Comments Call to Worship, OT12BKneel humbly
in God's presence seeking wisdom, strength, and passion, with the surrounding community where hope reigns in loving fashion. 6/13/2018 0 Comments Prayer of Confession, OT11Call to Confession
All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Let us confess our sin before God and seek God's mercy. Prayer of Confession, OT11 We are the ones who ran to the front of the line, to show off our strength, to sell our mad skills. We are the ones who left behind those considered too inexperienced to be leadership quality. We are the ones who ignored the voices of the youngest, the oldest, the poorest, the marginalized, the least. It was us. Forgive us. We do not deserve to lead. Open our eyes to our prejudicial judgments, and transform our way of thinking that our hearts may receive God's chosen with joyful celebration. Assurance of God's Grace God has promised that when we confess our sin, God, who is faithful and just, will forgive us our sin, removing it s far as the east is from the west. In the name of Jesus Christ, we are forgiven. Thanks be to God! Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us also forgive one another. The peace of Christ be with you. Please extend the peace of Christ to all whom you encounter ... 6/12/2018 0 Comments Call to Worship, OT11BCalled from places of labor
and of rest, come. Called to stand among the community of believers, come. Called to kneel and be commissioned, to serve the Lord our God, come. Called to worship and to praise, come. 6/8/2018 0 Comments June 08th, 2018The people cry
from the depths of despair, their tears bereft of hope. They have received that which they requested and it looks different than they imagined. It carries a price they do no wish to pay. Forgive their petulance, and free them from the oppression that suffocates them in the darkness. The people cry from the very core of grief, their devastation ripping out their hearts. They have lost loved ones and possessions and livelihoods. They have lost a sense of wholeness. Their pain is agonizing. Draw them near to you, we pray, and heal their broken hearts. The people cry for justice for the earth and all who inhabit it, for the universe and all it encompasses. Injustice sits in leadership positions at every level refusing to listen, refusing to be a voice for the voiceless. Comfort your people, O God, and open the eyes of the blind entitled that love may reign o'er all the earth. 6/6/2018 0 Comments Prayer of Confession, OT10Call to Confession
Sadly, we have rejected our God who saved us from all our calamaties and our distresses. Let us present ourselves before the Lord and confess our sin and seek God's mercy. Prayer of Confession, OT10 We are a stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, resistant of the Holy Spirit at work in our midst. We grumble against the Lord and quarrel among ourselves and with our leaders. We want what we want when we want it. We do not care about what it will cost others. We only care about ourselves. Our cries to God go unanswered because we have chosen to follow our own desires. Forgive us, O God. Forgive our selfishness. Forgive our faithlessness. Forgive our hardened hearts. Teach us to measure our desires against our neighbor's need, against the stranger's dreams, against your will for your people everywhere, and to be transformed by love and compassion. Assurance of God's Grace We are a people holy to the Lord our God; made holy by the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, through whom we are redeemed. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God for this indescribable gift! Since God has forgiven us in Christ, let us also forgive one another. The peace of Christ be with you. Please extend the peace of Christ to all whom you encounter this day. 6/5/2018 0 Comments Call to Worship, OT10Hail the King of glory!
Come worship, and give thanks -- God, it is, who leads and saves, God, who calls and makes us brave -- Hail the King, you gathered ranks! By the power of the Spirit, come, Your faithfulness to be restored. Come bow before the Holy One, whose victory o'er death is won -- and join the golden chord! 6/1/2018 0 Comments Prayers of the People, OT9BWe are your children,
wandering in the darkness, relying on -- submitting to, the assistance of those who are stronger because time and degeneration have taken our independence. Hear our prayers for mercy and for compassion. We are your children, wandering in uncertainty, relying on -- seeking out, the wisdom of those more experienced, because we do no recognize your voice in the night. Hear our prayers for humility and clarity. We are your children, ready to serve, wondering where, questioning how, and praying for direction in a world where hopelessness is everywhere. Hear our prayers for discernment and for grace. We are your children, living together, learning to love, learning to lead and learning to follow. Hear our prayers for hospitality extended and received. In the name of the One who makes all things possible, hear our prayers. |
January 2025
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Julie participated in the 25th Seminar for Certified Zentangle(R) Teacher Training in June, 2019, trained by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. In addition to creating art as a personal spiritual practice, Julie also incorporates the Zentangle(R) method in Prayer Art Retreats in a variety of contexts, including church groups, friend gatherings, and at a local art gallery. Check out the Upcoming Events page for a calendar of events, or use the Contact Us page to inquire about scheduling an event with your group!
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